Hemp Without the High

NOPE, we aren’t talking drugs!! We will talk about hemp, but probably not the kind of hemp you’re thinking of 😉
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Hemp seeds are the seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Marijuana does come from the same plant, but the hemp seeds only contain traces of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. You won’t get high from consuming hemp seeds.
Trust me, I consume these seeds ALL THE TIME and have never felt…


Hemp is very promising nutritionally, but there has been prohibition against growing hemp in the US. In the 17th century, farmers were ordered by law to grow Indian hemp. Hemp was such an relevant crop that it was currency that one could pay taxes with. Eventually, hemp was seen as a threat because of the association with hemp with marijuana.
Because this plant grows… like weed – literally, it requires little-no pesticides, so buying organic isn’t as important.
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So, whyyy exactly are health gurus going cray for hemp seeds if its not for the – err, relaxing reasons??!

Hemp Health Benefits:
  • Protein + Fiber : both slow digestion and prevent a spike in blood sugar.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids : reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure; Hemp seeds one of the few O-3 sources found in plants
  • Omega 6 Fatty Acids : stimulate skin and hair growth & regulate metabolism & help the brain function; Hemp seeds have the ideal ratio of esential fatty acids, 3-omega 6: 1-omega 3.
  • Essential Amino Acids : maintenance of cells, muscle, tissues, & organs; is a common protein source for body builders who have negative side effects from whey protein.
How to Use Hemp
  • Sprinkle on toast, chia seed pudding, or hot or cold cereal
  • Sprinkle on salads
  • Add to smoothies or yogurt
  • Mix in pancake, muffin, or bread recipe – they taste fab in the Mug Banana Bread recipe!

Hemp seeds’ texture is a cross between sesame seeds and sunflower. They have a nutty taste but aren’t strong enough to taste when blended in a smoothie or shake. After opening the hemp seeds, it is best stored in the refrigerator but isn’t necessary.
You can find hemp seeds HERE or at your local health grocery store!!
Would you *eat* hemp?! NO peer pressure here. 😉
xx hails