Warning: This Popped Quinoa Crunch Bar Is ADDICTING

This 👏🏻 recipe 👏🏻 is👏🏻 POPPING !!!

I am NOT a big fan of candy, but I am a BIG fan of chocolate. It’s my addiction.
When I was a lil’ witch trick or treating, my neighbors and I would dump the candy out of our pillow cases and onto the floor. I would trade my candy for Crunch bars, Reese’s, and Hershey’s dark chocolate.
When all the witches and princesses would finalize the deals, I would hop on my broomstick and fly home with my delish chocolate candies. BUT, the candy wars were not over. I had to watch out for the biggest threat to my candy stash – my mom.
It wasn’t that she was concerned with me eating too much candy. Rather, she would steal my little crunch candy bars.
When they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, they weren’t joking. My mom and I share a similar same taste in clothes, shoes, and candy.

While you can borrow clothes and shoes, you can’t “borrow” chocolate.
How unfortunate !!?
My mom and I both LOVE Crunch bars because of the – er – crunch. As my food sci 301 professor would day, we are “consumers (that) value the ‘mouthfeel‘ of our foods.” Mouthfeel is a term often used to refer to the tactile aspects of texture perception during consumption, as defined by Guinard and Mazzucchelli from Science Direct.
And boy, do I love this recipe’s tactile aspects of texture!! 😉

This recipe was inspired by Annie Chesson from The Garlic Diaries.
I would recommend using all natural peanut butter because it drizzles SO MUCH better than regular peanut butter. If you have a peanut allergy, sub the peanut butter with sunflower butter!


1.5 cups dark choco chips

1/2 cup popped quinoa

1/2 T PB + splash of vanilla

2 dashes cinnamon

1/2 T coconut oil

2 T PB



Line bread pan with parchment paper. Pop quinoa. Microwave dark choco with vanilla, peanut butter, and coconut oil until consistent. Mix in cinnamon. Drizzle the 2 T of peanut butter into two parallel lines along the long side of the bread tin. With the back of the spoon, gently swirl around the peanut butter. Optional : lick the back of the spoon. Refrigerate for an hour.

You can either PYOQ – pop your own  quinoa  – or buy it HERE
Did your mom ever steal your candy?!!
xx hails
PS. If you make this recipe, send me a pic on Instagram or Twitter !! <3  ( BOTH are : @allhailsthekale )