Wanna know what REALLY grinds my gears??

Well, you all know about my misophonia ( self ) diagnosis.

Aside from me getting #triggered when someone loudly crunches on an apple, my gears REALLY get grinding when it comes to portion size – HEAR ME OUT.

We ALL know that bagels are primarily a carb. And that’s totally fine… UNTIL restaurants go batshit on the portion size of one bagel.

20 years ago, the diameter of a bagel was 3 inches. Now, the diameter is about 6 inches. That is DOUBLE the amount of bagel in just one bagel… This is what I like to call, “portion distortion“; the average portion sizes have grown SO MUCH over the past 20 years that when your plate arrives, you could feed 2-3 people with that plate. These larger sizes are becoming what Americans consider to be a “normal” portion at home.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Association, you would consume 1,595 more calories than if you had the same foods at typical portions served 20 years ago. Over the course of one year, if consumed daily, the larger portions could amount to more than 500,000 extra calories.


If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I share on Instagram stories how I weigh out my protein and wine on a food scale. I ALWAYS go for 5 ounces of wine ( hellooo ROSÉ season ) and 3-4 ounces of protein. This is because I am a victim of portion distortion and I am teaching myself how to eyeball the correct serving of protein and wine. I struggle so ( SO SO ) much with portion control so I find that this really helps me to learn what quantities I actually need and to not over eat.

Now… what about bagels??!

WELL, like many of you know, last summer I was in the bagel capital of the world, NYC. And guess what?

One New York bagel can equal up to SEVEN slices of bread… SEVEN !!


That means if you are deciding whether to eat a couple slices of toast or a bagel, you’re way better off choosing the former.

These AHTK bagels are everything (literally) because they not only have EBTB seasoning on it, but they have 6 grams of protein, only 100 calories, and 2.5 net carbs PER BAGEL. That’s not even the carb equal to 1/5 of a slice of bread…



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. Mix all ( bagel ) wet ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
  3. Mix all ( bagel ) dry ingredients in a medium-large bowl.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until well combined.
  5. Spray your Silicone Bagel Tray with cooking spray
  6. Evenly distribute the batter to the 6 areas
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes.


♡ whipped cream cheese

♡ whipped cream cheese + smoked salmon + capers + red onion

♡ turkey + melted swiss cheese

pizza bagel

♡ egg + cheese

♡ tuna melt

meatball sandwich

chicken salad

♡… the world is your oyster with these bagels!!

**NOTE : because this recipe contains wheat bran, the bagel comes out super soft & fluffy SO i highly recommend using whipped cream cheese instead of regular so it doesn’t crumble the bagel. ALSO, whipped cream cheese is lower in cals & has a better texture!

Enjoy your bagels!! LMK you’re fave way to dress your AHTK bagel on my latest IG!

xx hails


Mathes, W. F., Brownley, K. A., Mo, X., & Bulik, C. M. (2009). The biology of binge eating. Appetite52(3), 545–553. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2009.03.005

Portion Sizes and Obesity, News & Events. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Serving Sizes and Portions, Eat Right. (n.d.). Retrieved from