“It’s easy to dream, but much harder to execute it.” – Gary Vaynerchuk
According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80%, and most lose their resolve by mid-February.
We’ve all heard “new year, new me” one ( more like 1,000 ) too many times and have seen memes mocking that phrase ALL over Insta.
Why do we need a new year as a reason to improve ourselves and work towards our goal(s)? Why is the failure rate so darn high??
Here’s my two cents on this topic:
The new year is a great time to reflect. It’s really the only day on the calendar that reminds us to do so, but why do we need a new year to create the “new me?”
Start Now
“Remember how long you have been putting off these things, and how many times the gods have given you days of grace, and yet you do not use them.” – Marcus Aurelius
Well obvi we’re starting now, it’s the new year after all – RIGHT?
Here’s where the resolution that specifically revolves around the new year becomes an issue. If your goal revolves around time, you will lean into your goal when the time is right. Spoiler alert: there is no “right” time!!
Less “On Monday I’ll go eat a salad, but it’s the weekend so I’ll eat McD’s” and more “It’s the weekend, before I mindfully indulge, I’m going to crowd in the food and bevvies that will nourish my body!”
There will always be the “tomorrow morning I’ll […]” or “next Monday I’ll […].”
Start NOW. But, be smart and strategic…
“In reality strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement like hell.” – Jack Welch
In my undergrad studies and DI supervised practice, we learn how to create SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for goal setting. I found this fabulous article from Mind Tools that breaks down SMART goals.
- S… Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
- Make your goal clear and specific.
- Ask yourself:
- What do you want to accomplish?
- Why is this goal important?
- Who is involved?
- Where is it located?
- Which resources or limits are involved?
- M… Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
- To track your progress and stay motivated
- Ask yourself:
- How much/many?
- How will I know when it is accomplished?
- A… Achievable (agreed, attainable).
- Your goal should stretch your abilities, BUT still remain possible and realistic.
- Ask yourself:
- How can I accomplish this goal?
- How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?
- R… Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
- To ensure that your goals actually matter to you
- Ask yourself:
- Does this seem worthwhile?
- Is this the right time?
- Does this match our other efforts/needs?
- Am I the right person to reach this goal?
- Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?
- T… Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)
- To have something to work toward
- Ask yourself:
- When?
- What can I do six months from now?
- What can I do six weeks from now?
- What can I do today?
“Don’t dwell too much on the past. The lessons are useful for the present and a preparation for the future. Move on!” ―
Don’t get me wrong, I get the “all or nothing” mentality. I’m an EXTREMELY Type A gal who finds few things more satisfying than checking off my to-do list in a timely manner. However, that characteristic doesn’t translate well when it comes to goal setting.
Let’s say that your NYR was to participate in dry January but your best friends birthday is the second week of January. You bring caffeinated sparkling water ( LIMITLESS watermelon flavor = my fave ) to the party so you get a buzz from something other than a grapefruit Truly. At midnight, your BFF pops open a bottle of champagne and you treat yourself to a glass… But since you broke the seal, you ditch dry January and guzzle spiked seltzer all night instead.
PAUSE. Breathe. Take a beat before you guzzle your next drink!
Don’t expect perfection. Discipline is like a muscle – you have to flex it to strengthen it. Absolutely focus on strategically creating habits around your SMART goal. If you create realistic goals, create an environment that supports your goal, and flex that discipline muscle, you’re getting closer to your NYR goal! It will take time to strengthen that muscle. Be kind AND forgiving to yourself. It does NOT have to be an all or nothing. Moderation and discipline take practice.
What’s your NYR?
As you could predict, mine is about AHTK and what I want to do after I graduate the DI… More on that later 😉
xx hails
SMART Goals: – How to Make Your Goals Achievable. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart-goals.htm.